Thursday, December 18, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
If twos company and threes a coward, then who are all these other people?
Keeping the Focus on one story at a time

You’re in the middle of writing what is surely to become the next best seller. The story is flowing, you’ve got your writing muse working overtime, the story is unfolding and all is right with the world when, there’s this guy name Joe and he starts telling you about what happened when he bumped into this woman on his way into this club down on 42nd street.
By now you’re wondering who the heck are all these people and how did they get in my head?
Good news, you haven’t lost your mind, yet. So put down the Jack, flush the pharmaceutical and just take a deep breath. Welcome to my world, you’re a writer.
As I wander through this writer’s maze, I constantly find myself being pulled from one story to the next. Once I accepted the fact that I am a writer and therefore must write, I sought to focus and complete each story as my characters spoke and presented it to me. But it would seem some of my characters lack the patience or decorum to wait their turn to have their story written down.
I quickly realized unless I laid down some guidelines I would never complete anything. You see I’m the boss and I just needed to make my characters aware of that fact. Yeah, didn’t go over so well when I relayed it to them either.
Howsoever, I am focusing on writing one story at a time. And, yes, there are those characters that simply refuse to remain silent. Never, would I tell them to shut up and go back to the recesses of my subconscious. My worst fear, they would stay there and remain silent.
I found the best way to handle outspoken characters is to simply jot down their name, the jest of what their story is about. Thank them for bringing their story to my attention, point out that I’m currently in middle of another story at the moment. But I assure them that their story will be written by me, eventually. Of course I never, ever give a definite time line of when their story will be written. Believe me they will call you on it.
So, how’s it working it out you might be curious to know. Well let’s just say, I’m taking it one day, one story at a time. There are days when it still gets a little crowded like Grand Central Station with everyone wanting to hope on board the let’s write this story now express. But I’ll let you in on a little secret.
I wouldn’t trade this writer’s life for anything,

A.M. Wells
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Listen Up: When a character speaks

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Book Review: The Critic by Dyanne Davis

Second, I didn’t just sit down and devour this book in one sitting. No, I took the time to read every word. Some times out loud. Now you may ask yourself, what kind nut case takes three month to read a 229 page book? Well I did and I enjoyed every word, phrase and paragraph. Down to the last punctuation mark.
Now on to the review:
Outraged Toreas goes with a group of her book club member to appear on Jared’s show. But instead of giving him a piece of her mind, she punches him in the gut with an unexpected result.
Turns out Jared blames romance writers for ruining his life. So as a way of getting revenge or venting his anger, he begins taking potshots at romance writers on his show. But after his encounter with Toreas Rose, Jared finds he can’t stop thinking about her and can’t figure for the life him why he’s so drawn to her, a romance writer of all things. Toreas appearance on his show not only fuels his ratings, but his desire for her as well.
I found myself laughing out loud at the subtle humor in this book and the way it took on the notion of how true romance should be written.
If you want to read a story about two real people who take you along on their journey of discovering true love. With romance, lots of laughs, some sighs, and a few tears thrown in. Then read this book and savor each page. I promise you it’s worth the trip.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The First Rejection

You see, now that I’ve started on this path there’s no turning back for me. I’m a writer and even though that particular story didn’t suit that particular publisher, it does not mean there is not one out there that it will.
So enough of the pity party, it's time to get back to writing and yes sending out my work for submission.
A.M. Wells
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I'm back, well sort of
I just wanted to update you guys on what I've been up to the last couple of weeks. I started two more stories while I was on vacation in Maui. One is a short story, Time Out, which I'm working on finishing up for submission. The second, Old Friends/New Loves, is a full length story that I hope to someday see in print.
Right now I've got seven WIP and one short story that I've completed and submitted for publication to a romance magazine.
Now I know you’re all wondering, where's the next update. Well, I've decided to post one complete story, because you guys have been so great and supportive of my writing. But I'm going to need some time to write, proof, and edit each update before I post.
I'm going to try and post an update at least once a month, but please don't hold me to that. I've got a 9 to 5 and a husband who requires constant attention.
That's all for now and thanks for your continued support and understanding,
A.M. Wells
Thursday, April 17, 2008
To the readers of this blog

Thank you, for stopping by, for reading the post, for the positive comments, for the encouragement.
A.M. Wells
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
How I relax...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Why I write
So now I write and sometimes the storis flow like water and sometimes they trinkle out a drop at time. But still I write and will keep on writing.
A.M. Wells